When I'm not working, I spend my time cleaning the house, doing laundry, doing yard work, trying to figure ways to keep my kids entertained long enough so I can blog, shower. Family comes first, but as Amy puts it :
We’re all in this together, but I was here first.
Ack, who are we kidding? With a three year old and a nursing baby, I'm lucky if I get to shower, uh, blog. But who doesn't sometimes wish parenting was a five-day a week gig, with benefits and paid vacation?...Really, Who?!?
In all seriousness though, I adore my kids. Logan was born in October (2009), and is quite a pleasant baby (besides not sleeping through the night, not taking the bottle and being unable to swallow solids at almost 8 months!), he is, quite charming. He hardly ever cries, loves people and just seems like a docile creature.
And then, there is Noah, our three year old. He's the one we're scared about. He's as likely to climb over the gate at the top of the stairs, as he's likely to stack his rocking pony, on a chair, to then climb on it and either a) rock, or b) use the leverage to climb onto the kitchen counter to get gummy vitamins, or chocolate. As machiavelic as Noah can be, he's this adorable, blonde haired, blue eyed creature, whose smile just melts my heart, and he knows it!
The eldest is Alexina, my nine-year old step-daughter. We have shared custody, sort of... I've changed her diapers and now she's a pre-teen with everything that comes with that title, considering she has to abide by two very different styles of parenting. My husband calls me gestapo G...I'm not that mean, horrible, bad, strict...
And last, but not least, the fourth kid in the house, my husband, Dan. We've been together for the last eight years. I take him for granted every day... He's a great dad, he does the laundry, and brooms, and does the yard work, and grocery shops... now if only he dusted and cleaned the oven more often! (Did I mention I complain a little, some). He's great and I love him, but I'm always right...once in a while I tell him he's right to flatter him, but I don't mean it, shhhhhh, don't tell him that I said that.
By now, you must be able to tell that I like humour. I love ''Family Guy'' and Barney from ''How I Met Your Mother'', but don't label me, I'm a professional, remember, I work for a bank.
I'm French, but studied from kindergarten until end of Cegep in English. I live on the southshore of Montreal. I like movies, music, art, swimming, dining, wine, technology, law, philosophy, photography, politics, entertaining, scrapbooking, staying in and going out. I'm also trying to be environmentally mindful, frugal, and healthy. Ì have an opinion on everything! I might not know just yet what it is, but give it time, it's coming... I'll get there. I'm very sleep deprived and these are My Everyday Truths.
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