About me:
I'm Kathryn, 27, mother of a toddler (noah , 2), expecting a second son (Oct 2009), married to Dan (together 7 yrs), we have shared custody of his daughter (Alexina 8). We live in our first house in Chambly since 2007. Studied in law, working in finance. Always expecting to study anew... when I have the time. I was born in Montreal, lived on the south shore of Montreal for most of my life (minus a 5 year time span from my early to mid 20s, where I resided in various locations in Montreal). I love the city, but wouldn't be a homeowner anywhere else but the shore. We used to have a pet-filled house, and for the first time in 6 years... nothing.. (kids are enough... no seriously, it's allergies mainly)...
I love my kids, my husband, my family, my friends... having people over for dinner, food, wine, MUSIC, movies, tv, books, H20, swimming, scrapbooking, studying, organizing, studying, event planning, being lazy, pyjamas, ice-cream, (and cake.. shhhh).... camping, sleeping: (sigh), massages, hotels and spas, drinks, COFFEE, starbucks (but too expensive to consume daily sadly), finances, politics, law, teaching.

pregnancy (I don't get those who love being pregnant.. I HATE it... just love the end result!), needles, SNAKES: yuck! Liver, football, golf, ignorance, cleaning the shower and bath,.... making beds.
This Blog:
will be about my thoughts, experiences, rants, frustrations, joys, events, questions.... and whatever else life throws at me... basically about what I know and want to know, about being a wife and a mom.... Here are things I'd like to write about shortly:
-finding time
-hobby? huh?
-losing it
-ethical questions
-kid education (his way or my way)
-future plans
- Budget?!?!
-trying to be uncensored
... we'll see how this goes :-)
Love, K xxx
PS- I noticed a FB friend started blogging and it peeked my interest, so I must say I used her blog to get inspired as to how to start.. Thanks Andrea M.
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