It all started with a book about Halloween... Noah met "Fripouille la citrouille"... and literally became obsessed with pumpkins...
It started with a small pumpkin... which had a tragic end... Noah didn't quite understand that pumpkins weren't balls he could just throw...
So we bought a bigger pumpkin, put it up higher... but again, Noah found a way to make it fall... and it cracked opened.
At daycare, the children planted pumpkin seeds and a few days later, the pumpkins magically grew and the children picked them and each chose one to decorate. Nathalie (their educator), gave each child a cup with paint, and they were to finger paint their pumpkins. Noah has issues with various textures... the first time he touched paint... he puked... The first time I put him down in grass and he touched it, he puked...... So guess what, yep, Noah puked on his pumpkin!!!.. But I'm pretty sure he put some paint in his mouth since he's gotten much better with his "texture issues".
And Finally, we bought a last pumpkin, and kept Noah away from it. Today, I told him we'd prepare the pumpkin together....I drew a small sketch to have an idea what to carve, got up from the table, and came back to find my pumpkin with quite a few more "sketches"... (Note to self, never leave a marker unattended with a toddler)! I started carving the pumpkin, and suffice to say, when he saw me emptying it, he had one word "ACK"!
This year, Noah was extremely excited about Halloween. He spent his nap babbling on, and just wanted to get into his Woody... or, as Noah puts it, his "Monsieur Cowboy" costume.
For me, Halloween was bittersweet... I was there to choose his pumpkin, to read the Halloween stories, I carved the pumpkin with him... but I didn't go trick or treating with him... (sigh)... I was busy with Logan...
Well... I don't plan on missing many more Halloweens...
Halloween is just one of those events that, even if unimportant in the greater scheme of things... seems to be a yearly milestone in a child's life.

When Noah was 5 months old, although we didn't trick or treat (since we as parents did not want to be accused of using our child to get our hands on candy since obviously he was too young to have any)...I refused to let Halloween pass by without any special attention. We dressed him up as a cute little skunk and we gave out candy on our porch...
Last year, Noah was a little monkey...if you ask me, he's been one ever since! (picture to come).
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