When my eldest caught his first cold, he was two months old. I was heart broken to see him teary eyed, coughing and sniffling. I felt helpless not being able to give him anything. My pearl of a Doctor : Elsa Leblanc suggested the Mouche Bébé. We went to buy one at ''Meres et Mousses'' (http://www.mereetmousses.com/) in Longueuil. (They can actually be found in regular pharmacies). The one I had bought then was colorless and transparent. The part that enters the child`s nostrils was rigid and there was no filter. You have to put a cotton ball into one of the compartments. Okay, there is an ick factor. How it works: you stick the nostril end in the child`s nostril, and with the other end, you put it in your mouth and suction out the ''debree''... yum... ick. (Keep in mind that you put a cotton swab).
It worked well, but Noah HATED it. Hydrasense has since come up with a new and improved version: (as shown in the picture). Now that Logan is 7 weeks old and has his first common cold, we bought it. The nostril end is soft. There is a compartment to put in a filtre. Filtres come with it and you can buy refills. MUCH BETTER. Logan doesn`t seem to mind. The soft end makes all the difference in the world. We use this with the vapor spray Hydrasense. One or two puffs in each nostril, a little vacuuming, and I have a much relieved baby.... who can nurse... and who can sleep... and get some much needed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz s.
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