Monday, January 11, 2010

Scrapbooking update

Well..........This is going to be harder than I had imagined... My little 52 week scrapbooking project is not up to speed obviously. I have not even begun any pages. Heck, I haven't begun printing pictures or deciding where to start at that!

How to get started? Well, first I need to organise my "stuff", meaning, bring everything upstairs. I have organisation drawers for all my scrapbooking stuff, but, it's all "down there", in the basement where I rarely go. Not helping. Everything used to be well organised, but in the last year, I've purchased a few more things here and there. For Chirstmas, I also received a few more things to add to my scrapbooking stuff collection (Thanks mom, thanks babe!)...This, should help... but where are all these new additions... well, let's just say that I have to organise everything in the respective drawers, binders, etc, where they belong... cause right now, I just piled, and dumped everything ON TOP of the drawers. Oh the mess! (This might partially be why I fear the basement...)

I need a plan: True to myself, I think I need to make a list (YES A LIST!!!) Perhaps my all time favorite hobby: "listing". I need to decide what pages I want to make. Let's start small: Baby steps: I'll make a list of the first 10 pages I want to make, in other words, a list of what will be keeping me busy for the next 10 weeks (bringing us to March 20th). I'll figure out what pictures I'll be needing, and whether or not I need to get them printed.

Here goes:


  1.  Noah's newborn phase

  2.  Our House

  3. Noah's Christening

  4.  Halloween 2007

  5.  Sleeping

  6.  Christmas

  7. Playtime

  8. Walking

  9.  First Birthday

  10.  Summer fun

This should be interesting...  Checklist: getting organised: well, I need the hubby for this one to bring my stuff upstairs, so, that will be delayed till the weekend, 2) List: Check! Working backwards again are we? True to myself! let's get started!

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Kate said...


1)Noah's newborn phase
2)Our House
3)Noah's Christening
4)Halloween 2007
9) First Birthday
10)Summer fun